The alarm goes off on Saturday at 4:20 am. Unlike most mornings, I get up without hesitation full of excitement and anticipation for the adventure ahead. All the planning for the past two months is finally coming into effect – I’m on my way to the airport for my first trip to Japan.
The flight from Miami to Chicago goes by in a flash but the long flight that followed is no joke. I get over my flying anxiety and having to be stuck in the middle seat for 13 hours. That flight is actually foreshadowing my upcoming experience in Japan: warmer than I expected, both in weather and hospitality.

I arrive in Tokyo at around 4:00 pm on Sunday with wanderlust overload, although my jetlagged face might say otherwise. I’m ready to take everything in; the city, the food, the people, the fashion, the culture!

Over the next four posts, I will share my Japan experience with you; their love and admiration for food, the unexpected and totally cool things during my stay, and my favorite experiences as a Miami girl in Japan.

I have so many stories to tell and pictures to show that I can’t wait to share with you! This is also an opportunity for you to ask questions that I can address in my upcoming posts. Places to visit, eat, sleep and more…join the club and ask away!

Hi Silvia San!!!
I’ve finally succeeded in accessing your blog!!! David San gave me the link. I tried immediately after we parted at the hotel but I failed. I was at a loss what to do to contact you. So I’m very happy!!!
I really enjoyed your blog. All the photos in Tokyo reminded me of great memories with you and photos in Kyoto told me how your trip in Kyoto was.
Your sentences are expressing your trip vividly and lively. I feel like I travel with you again. I’m waiting for its sequel!!!
Hi Sayaka!
It’s so great to hear from you again. Thank you for taking the time to visit the blog and I’m so happy you liked it. One of my favorite experiences of my time in Japan was to meet you and Harumi (our guide in Kyoto). Both of you gave us perspective of life in Japan, in addition to showing us the most important landmarks. As you could gather, I love immersing myself in new places and cultures and learning about them.
Our trip to Japan is one we will cherish forever!
Looks like an amazing trip! Next time take me with you!!
Let’s make it happen…what’s the next destination?!